We are a group of under graduate students working to install liter of lights or solar blubs all over India.Our motto is to lighten up the most unprivileged communities by installing solar bulbs.Introducing such low-cost technologies we aim to glow about one million homes throughout India.
What is Liter of Light :
A Liter of Light is a zero-carbon emitting solar lighting project which is first initiated by members of My Shelter Foundation and students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Solar Bottle Bulb uses appropriate technologies that are highly replicable and sustainable. The materials used are found easily in the poorest neighborhood.They can be easily built with simple carpentry skills and little knowledge about the solar bulb. This simple mechanism of installing Solar Bottle Bulb made the expansion of movement easy.
Do it Yourself Liter of Light:
The bulb is nothing but a A 1.5 liter clear PET bottle which is used as source of light.It is filled with the mixture of water and bleach.The bottle with this mixture is inserted into a metal sheet.This kit is embedded on the roofs of houses which acts as a source of light.
Working principle of Liter of Light :
Solar Bottle Bulb works by the refraction of light rays.The sun rays falling on the bottle gets refracted when it immediately enters water i.e. due to change in medium form air to water.This refracted light spreads at an angle of 360 degrees in a room and produces light equivalent to 60 watts bulb.
The solar bulb lasts for 5 years without any sort of maintenance with the change of water at regular intervals.Bleach is added to maintain the clarity of water and make the water free from microorganisms.
Why Liter of Light :
- Solar Bottle Bulb does not have any carbon emissions when compared to any conventional light.
- Solar Bottle Bulb is a source of livelihood for the local unemployed people.
- It is very economic and reliable.
- It reduces the impact of global warming on earth.
- Disposed plastic is up-cycled. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Liter-of-Light-in-India/204926342960861 - FOLLOW THIS LINK .